By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
March 19, 2025
hearing loss
People with hearing loss tend to feel exhausted due to the constant strain on their ears to focus on the limited range of sounds they are able to perceive. Dr. Ervin Hafter from the department of Psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, reported that people encountering hearing impairment have additional strain placed upon their cognitive abilities as a result of their hearing loss. This arises from the constant level of alertness and concentration required to compensate for the lack of sounds being perceived, which utilizes more energy and leads to fatigue.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
February 20, 2025
hearing aids
Getting new hearing instruments can require you to be a bit patient so that you can grow accustomed to your new hearing world. Over time, hearing loss eliminates several sounds which suddenly reappear as a result of wearing hearing aids, thus these sounds can take some time to get used to.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
January 15, 2025
hearing loss
Ear infections are a generic name given to any ailment that affects the ears, but in medical terms they are called otitis media. These infections are common both for children as well as adults and usually result from other secondary infections and viruses, be it sinus problems or influenza. You may be surprised to learn that even teeth problems can cause ear infections!
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
December 16, 2024
hearing loss
We all think of hearing loss as a problem that affects the elderly population. However, in some situations, hearing loss may be caused due to a simple matter of excessive earwax, which is also known as cerumen.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
November 15, 2024
hearing protection
We all love listening to our favorite melodies on our personal audio device, often at loud volumes. Although this practice may seem fun in the short term, it can really be detrimental to our hearing in the long run. Noise-induced hearing loss occurs when people are exposed to prolonged periods of unsafe levels of sound, such as listening to music at loud volumes for extended periods of time.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
October 15, 2024
hearing loss
We often take our hearing for granted, but our sense of hearing is actually the quickest sense of all! Our brain takes only around 0.05 seconds to process any type of sound, whereas it takes up to 0.25 seconds to process any visual image. This makes our hearing the swiftest sense we possess, which also makes it prone to damage.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
September 16, 2024
hearing loss
Hearing loss brings with it a host of other health issues. Recent research has found a connection between loss of hearing and migraine headaches. Migraines tend to be excruciatingly painful headaches, accompanied by nausea, vision problems, and sensitivity to sounds as well as light.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
August 15, 2024
hearing loss
We live in a world full of delightful (and sometimes not so delightful) sounds! We often take our hearing for granted until we begin stumbling during conversations, feeling lost, confused and left out. Hearing loss can be a sneaky in its onset and it can take years before a person finally realizes that they have hearing loss. Certain noises in our daily life tend to hurt our hearing more than others, which is why it is important to become aware of those sounds.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
July 15, 2024
hearing protection
Summer days are long and exciting, filled with loud music, long drives, relaxing vacations, and other activities that can be harmful for your hearing. If you enjoy cranking up the volume on your car radio, think again. Hearing loss is an irreversible condition and exposing yourself to loud volumes over a period of time can cause tinnitus as well as permanent hearing damage.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
June 17, 2024
hearing loss
We refer to otitis externa (swimmer’s ear) when we are talking about some sort of infection of inflammation that affects the external portion of your ear canal. It is generally caused by direct contact with bacteria that exists in polluted water or by water-logging within the ears which harbors a moist environment for germs to replicate.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
May 15, 2024
hearing loss
Earwax! The word itself makes us cringe! Something about it is just so repulsive. To call it by its actual name, earwax is known as cerumen and actually serves a big purpose in protecting your ears. It helps trap dirt and debris from entering your ears and damaging your hearing. However, too much earwax can actually prevent you from hearing properly as well.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
April 15, 2024
hearing loss
Tinnitus can be challenging to deal with on a daily basis, but you can develop several coping strategies to help you deal with the constant buzzing in your ears. Tinnitus is known as a hearing condition that brings about a ringing sensation in the ears in the absence of any such auditory stimulus in your surroundings. Around 15% of the American population experiences varied types of tinnitus.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
March 15, 2024
hearing loss
Stress is an inevitable but annoying part of life. It can lead to a wide variety of physical and psychological problems, one of them being loss of hearing. Your body attempts to cope with stressors by releasing certain chemicals which provide you with energy to combat the stressful situation. Over time, this constant stress mode can take its toll on your health and well-being.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
February 15, 2024
hearing loss
People with hearing loss are often unaware of the dangers in their surrounding environment, simply because they are unable to hear it. Be it the sound of a car stopping in your driveway in the dead of the night, or the sound of breaking glass as a burglar breaks your window pane, untreated hearing loss puts you and your loved ones at risk of terrible danger.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
January 15, 2024
hearing loss
Hearing loss is a problem that is fairly common these days, since it affects 36 million people in America. Recent research suggests that it is important not to take hearing loss lightly, due to its significant negative impact on your cognitive skills.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
December 15, 2023
hearing loss
We all want the best possible life for all of us. We often do this by earning more money, working hard, saving for rainy days, and taking care of our body. Rarely do we think that our hearing health also has an impact on the quality of our daily lives.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
November 15, 2023
Human hearing is a complicated process. Our range of hearing frequency is measured using Hertz (Hz), while our ability to identify sounds is measured using Decibels (dB). Our ears are delicate organs, and the process of hearing is as sensitive as it is intricate.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
October 16, 2023
hearing aids
People who are new at using hearing aids often have a common question regarding whether they need to wear their hearing aids every single day. Sometimes, new users of hearing aids often confuse them with wearing glasses, which are sometimes worn optionally in only certain circumstances, such as for reading. Hearing aids, however, are completely different in their functionality and thus need to be worn more often.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
September 15, 2023
hearing loss
Sights and sounds are an unavoidable part of our daily life. Wherever we go, whatever we do, we are constantly bombarded with various sounds. Even while we are sleeping, our ears continue to hear sounds even when we are unaware of it. Be it your spouse’s snoring, your baby’s wailing, the telephone ringing, the fire alarm, your world is constantly on the edge because of your hearing. Until you can hear no more!
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
August 15, 2023
hearing loss
You appear to be hearing just fine, even though it seems that everyone around you is speaking a different language! You may be able to hear sounds from your television but seem to have trouble making out what is being said. Your wife is speaking to you and you can hear her voice, but her words seem all mumbled and unclear. If these situations sound familiar, you may have hearing loss.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
July 17, 2023
hearing loss
People are often sensitive and understanding of physical disabilities, except when it comes to hearing loss. Those with a hearing problem are often made fun of and ridiculed, which worsens their sense of loneliness and social isolation. It is important to be sensitive and aware about the proper things to say when speaking to someone who has a hearing problem.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
June 25, 2023
hearing loss
Hearing loss can occur to anyone at any point in their lifetime. In America, hearing loss affects around 34 million people. Your children may be in equal danger of encountering hearing loss as anyone else in your family. In fact, recently there has been a sharp rise in the cases of childhood loss of hearing. Parents often spend so much time worrying about their safety but they often overlook a major threat to their child’s auditory health: unsafe headphone use.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
May 15, 2023
hearing loss
Hearing loss can result in a myriad of other health issues, which is why it is best not to neglect it. Loss of hearing can result in dementia, stroke, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and even depression.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
April 15, 2023
hearing aids
Hearing aids are a wonderful investment when it comes to an effective treatment for hearing loss. Getting your hearing aids is only the easiest part though. It is important to take good care of them so that you can save yourself unnecessary repair costs for your hearing aids in the future.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
March 17, 2023
hearing aids
Hearing aids are a joy to have around since they enable us to hear the sweet sounds of our everyday life. To keep them functioning at their optimal level, it is important that we take good care of them and clean them on a regular basis.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
February 20, 2023
hearing loss
We live in a world full of sounds. Some are pleasant, while others disrupt our sense of peace and wellbeing. Furthermore, extreme levels of sound can be detrimental towards our hearing. It is important to identify common sources of sound pollution in order to protect our hearing and prevent hearing loss.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
January 15, 2023
hearing loss
People with hearing loss are often reluctant to attend dinner invitations at restaurants. Eating joints are often accompanied with loud music that may be fun for those with regular hearing, but are challenging for those with hearing loss. The constant clinging of cutlery and multiple conversations also pose a challenge for a hearing impaired individual. So should you avoid the next dinner invitation simply because of your hearing loss? No way! Using these recommendations, you can not only attend, but also enjoy your next get together at your favorite restaurant.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
December 25, 2022
hearing protection
Hearing loss is a common occurrence these days, with 36 million people in America being affected by it. This problem is especially common in the elderly population, with 50% of people aged 75 and above being affected by hearing loss. The strange thing about hearing loss is that it can actually be prevented in some cases.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
November 15, 2022
hearing loss
Nutrition does more than keep our body and mind fit. It can even help boost our sense of hearing and even prevent hearing damage! Here are some vital foods that can help you keep your hearing intact for all your years to come. Hearing loss is a permanent condition so it is best to preserve your hearing while it is still intact.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
October 17, 2022
hearing loss
We have all heard about how important it is to get our hearing loss treated in a timely manner. There are too many physical and mental repercussions of leaving hearing loss untreated over time. These include cardiovascular disease, depression, dementia, and social isolation. Even though we may want to seek treatment for our hearing loss, how do we know which hearing care professional is right for us?
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
September 15, 2022
sleep disorders
Sleep disorders are a common problem these days, with 1 in 3 people in America having trouble getting appropriate amounts of sleep on a regular basis. This report was published in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Sleep deprivation can cause several health problems such as hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and cognitive difficulties.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
August 15, 2022
hearing protection
Hearing loss is the third most prevalent health condition in America, yet it never gets discussed nearly as often as other ailments. Two most common types of hearing loss are presbycusis (which happens due to aging) and noise-induced hearing loss. Aging is a natural part of life, so presbycusis may often be an unavoidable reality for some people, but noise-induced hearing problems are totally preventable.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
July 15, 2022
hearing health
Hearing loss can sometimes be an indication of an underlying cardiovascular disease. Research shows that those with a heart problem have a 54% chance of having hearing loss as well. Keeping your hearing functioning optimally can also help protect your heart, and vice versa.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
June 15, 2022
hearing test
None of us like hearing news that is negative in nature, especially when it comes to being diagnosed with hearing loss. We often prefer to ignore our hearing problems, pretending as though they don’t exist. No matter how hard we try to deny it, our hearing problem will catch up with us one day or another. It is best to be prepared when it does.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
May 16, 2022
hearing aids
Happiness brings to mind so many memorable moments spent with the people we love. We think about the days we spent on vacations, family dinners, and special dates with our partner. Rarely do we think about the fact that none of these memorable moments would be quite as memorable if we did not have our hearing aids.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
April 15, 2022
hearing test
Hearing loss is a problem that affects 1 in 3 Americans over the age of 65. If you are 75 years or above, there is an alarming 50% likelihood of your experiencing some type of hearing loss! Early detection of hearing loss can help you take the right course of action to get your life back on track.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
March 15, 2022
hearing aids
Hearing aids make our lives so much smoother by providing us a more organic hearing experience. However, daily wear and tear, sweat and dirt take its toll on these delicate devices, which is why they need to be cleaning properly and regularly. Daily cleaning can easily be done at home, but for deep cleaning it is best to rely on the professionals.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
February 15, 2022
Tinnitus is the sensation of a ringing or buzzing sound within the ears in the absence of any such external stimuli. It can be temporary or permanent and its onset depends on various physiological and psychological conditions. It affects 50 million people across America, although only around 12 million of these people actually seek any form of treatment for their tinnitus.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
January 17, 2022
hearing aids
Hearing aids are useful devices that help you get back the control of your daily life by helping you understand the conversations that go on each day. Like any other electronic device, your hearing aids are prone to their own nuances and require customized fittings in order to function to the best of their ability.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
December 15, 2021
hearing loss
Hearing loss brings with it a host of problems, ranging from the physical problems such as cardiovascular disease to falling down, to mental ones such as depression and anxiety. It may also result in the loss of your ability to communicate, which is known as aphasia.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
November 15, 2021
hearing loss
We may think about hearing loss as a problem that only affects our ears, when in reality it affects our entire life. Our physical and mental health suffers with untreated hearing loss. Our personal and professional relationships also take a hit due to hearing loss.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
October 15, 2021
We all find it difficult to hear sometimes because of too much earwax. However, the steps we take in order to clean our ears often makes our hearing worse. Using cotton swabs or q-tips to clean out your ears is possibly the worst solution, not to mention quite a dangerous one. You might find it hard to believe, but your ears actually have the ability to keep themselves clean!
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
September 15, 2021
hearing loss
Hearing loss is something that we associate with only the ears, when in reality it significantly affects the brain as well. While our ears serve as input devices, much like the keyboard does to a laptop, the actual process of deciphering and interpreting sound occurs in the auditory center of the brain.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
August 16, 2021
hearing loss
Hearing loss affects around 1 in every 6 adults in the American population, yet only a third of these people actually seek treatment for it. They may feel as though they are saving some money by not treating their hearing loss with hearing aids, but they actually end up spending much more money in the long run.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
July 15, 2021
hearing health
Before you scoff at hearing loss, remember that hearing loss is one of the leading health conditions in the United States today. Even though some forms of hearing loss can be treated, people often seek treatment too late, which can result in permanent hearing damage.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
June 15, 2021
hearing loss
We are often quick to blame our failing memory whenever we have trouble recalling things. Seldom do we stop to consider that we may not even have heard the information in the first place! A recent study from the Canadian Journal on Aging explored how the symptoms of hearing loss can often be confused as memory loss.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
May 17, 2021
hearing health
When we think about aging, we seldom spend a moment’s thought towards hearing loss. Even though it is well-known that untreated hearing loss gives rise to several other health conditions such as heart disease and dementia, people still take it lightly. It may be time to change this mindset and take your auditory health more seriously.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
April 15, 2021
hearing loss
Hearing loss is not a reality most of us know how to deal with comfortably. We may find ourselves struggling to understand and communicate effectively with our loved ones who have hearing loss. You can find new ways to communicate with those who have hearing loss so that you both can get the most out of your conversation.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
March 15, 2021
better hearing
Hearing loss is definitely not something any of us look forward to. We can thankfully avoid its many woes by simply taking care of our diet and nutrition. Making some simple changes to your daily food intake can go a long way in protecting your hearing.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
February 15, 2021
hearing loss
Hearing loss resulting from an increase in age is known as Presbycusis. Research shows that people begin to lose their sense of hearing between their 30s and 40s, while some lose their hearing sooner than others for multiple reasons.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
January 15, 2021
hearing loss
Given the fact that the hearing loss is the third most common health condition in America, it should not come as a surprise that you have a 50% likelihood of being afflicted with hearing loss if you are aged 75 and above.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
December 15, 2020
hearing aids
Hearing loss is a common problem in the United States today, affecting around 44 million people across the country. It is therefore astounding that only 1 out of every 3 elderly hearing impaired adults aged 70 and above actually uses hearing aids. Only 16% of hearing impaired adults aged 20-69 use hearing aids, according to the U. S. National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. This makes hearing loss one of the most undertreated health ailments in America.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
November 16, 2020
hearing loss
When we think of pollution, we think of smog filled skies and choking smoke emitting from factory chimnies. Rarely do we think of noise as a source of pollution, even though it can very well be an invisible culprit that can damage our health.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
October 15, 2020
hearing loss
From the moment we wake up to the moment we go to bed at night, our ears are subjected to various levels of sound, whether we are aware of it or not. Most of the time, the sounds we hear are filtered out so that we only pay attention to the sounds we need to respond to. The problem is that the noisier our world gets, the more noise pollution occurs and the higher our chances are of getting hearing loss.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
September 15, 2020
hearing loss
Our hearing is a sense that we often overlook, until we lose it. As the world around us slowly grows fainter and quieter, we suddenly begin to notice the challenges that everyday life throws our way when we are unable to hear.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
August 17, 2020
hearing loss
Who knew that even going to work can be harmful for your hearing?! Some workplace noises are actually loud enough to cause permanent hearing damage over time, so it is a good idea to become aware of these noises and take steps to protect your hearing to prevent any damage.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
July 15, 2020
Tinnitus is a condition that causes a ringing or buzzing sensation within the ears in the absence of any such external stimuli. Most people describe it as a whooshing or whistling sound that persists over a period of time, sometimes even permanently.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
June 15, 2020
hearing loss
Hearing loss is the third most common health condition in the United States, with 1 in 3 people affected by it between the ages of 65-74. By the time you are 75 and older, you have a 50% likelihood of having some form of hearing loss! With hearing loss increasing in such alarming numbers, it is important to learn more about how it affects us.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
May 15, 2020
hearing aids
Congratulations on getting your first pair of hearing aids! You may be curious about how you might get your new hearing aids adjusted so that you can begin to enjoy your new hearing experience. You do not need to wonder any longer. Keep reading to find out.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
April 15, 2020
hearing aids
Hearing aids are very useful tools to help us reconnect with our hearing world. In order for them to function efficiently, the hearing aids need to have properly working batteries. The standard battery sizes for hearing aids are 10, 13, 312, and 675. These sizes are marked using designated colors to make them easily identifiable.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
March 16, 2020
hearing loss
College days are one of the most memorable days of a person’s life. We make new friends and take away memories that remain with us forever. We learn interesting subjects and navigate our way through our classes and projects while learning skills that we will use all throughout our lives. All of this can become a challenge for someone with hearing loss.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
February 17, 2020
hearing loss
Hearing loss rarely occurs overnight; it is a gradual process that can often occur over the span of years. This is why early warning signs are often neglected and dismissed as temporary problems, primarily because hearing loss is thought to be a problem of the elderly. Even though this is true, since 1 in 3 people aged above 65 do indeed have some form of hearing loss, problems with hearing can affect anyone at any point in time.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
January 15, 2020
hearing loss
Hearing loss can be frustrating, especially when you are unaware of the reason behind it. Our sense of hearing is a delicate process that involves several parts of our body working in collaboration. While our ears pick up the sound signals, our brain interprets them. When any of the parts of our auditory system do not work as well as they should, hearing loss occurs.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
December 16, 2019
hearing aids
Pets can be a wonderful addition to your family, but their curious nature may be detrimental for your hearing aids when they begin to use them as chew toys! Having a house full of pets can be a lot of fun, but it is important to take good care of your hearing aids to make sure they remain safe at all times.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
November 15, 2019
hearing loss
All of us usually know at least one person in our lives who has a hearing disability. Most people tend to avoid talking to people with hearing loss, out of fear of having to constantly repeat themselves, and not being able understood. In reality, all it takes is a bit of time and energy to come up with creative and effective ways to communicate with those who have hearing loss.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
October 15, 2019
hearing loss
Hearing loss is the unfortunate inability to recognize and process sound signals. It can affect one or both ears in varying degrees of severity. Bilateral hearing loss (BHL) refers to hearing loss that affects both ears.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
September 16, 2019
hearing aids
We are often in search for the secret to being happy and healthy. Many of us dislike feeling old, and admitting to hearing loss can often put a damper to our quest for eternal youth. However, in our effort to appear young we may be damaging our health and even straying further away from our loved ones and our happiness.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
August 15, 2019
hearing loss
We all rely on our hearing on a daily basis, but a musician is almost entirely dependent on theirs for their livelihood. This is why hearing loss severely impacts musicians on a negative level, more than many other professions.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
July 15, 2019
hearing loss
Hearing loss is the third most common health condition that affects Americans today. Yet, majority of people appear overly surprised when they are diagnosed with hearing loss. There is this underlying belief that hearing loss happens to the old; to others, but not to me! Unfortunately, hearing loss can strike at any point in your lifetime, and not only because of old age.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
June 18, 2019
hearing aids
Hearing aids are meant to give you a wonderfully enhanced hearing experience. However, some users often experience multiple challenges whilst using their hearing aids and it is important to address the issues these people may be facing and see how they can be resolved.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
May 15, 2019
hearing aids
People are often upgrading to the latest model of the coolest new smartphone. Others upgrade to more efficient laptops and other cool gadgets. Have you ever thought of getting an upgrade on your hearing aids?! It’s not as far-fetched as it sounds. Like any other electronic device, even hearing aids have encountered a lot of significant amounts of change over the recent years.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
April 15, 2019
hearing loss
When we think of injuries sustained in the workplace, rarely do we think of hearing loss. However, the Center for Disease Control reported that in America, around 22 million employees experience unsafe levels of sound in their work environments. This makes hearing loss the number one injury sustained in the workplace!
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
March 15, 2019
hearing loss
Hearing loss is a significant problem in the United States today. Our ears are constantly exposed to unsafe levels of loud noises each day, which can result in permanent hearing damage.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
February 15, 2019
hearing aids
Hearing aids are fascinating devices that enable you to hear sounds you were previously unable to hear due to hearing loss. The basic philosophy of sound amplification has remained the same since the days of the ear trumpet, but hearing aids have come a long way in modifying the process of sound amplification over the years.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
January 15, 2019
hearing screening
We all love staying fit and healthy, but it is hard to do so when a vital part of our being is being completely ignored. Our hearing health is often the most neglected part of our health, since it is never a part of a routine medical check-up.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
December 17, 2018
hearing loss
When we think of hearing loss, we may think of a number of factors that may cause it, but rarely do we think of osteoporosis. However, a recent study suggests that having osteoporosis almost doubles the likelihood of a person developing a sudden onset of sensorineural hearing damage.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
November 15, 2018
hearing loss
The world of hearing loss is often plagued with numerous amounts of misinformation and myths, which add to its unnecessary stigma. It is important to learn the facts about loss of hearing as well as the use of hearing aids so that we can help ourselves and our loved ones in times of need.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
October 15, 2018
hearing loss
Hearing loss often takes years to manifest. At first you may feel like something is amiss during conversations; a missing stray word here and there. Over time the gaps in conversations may grow larger as you are no longer able to hear much of what is being said. At first you may dismiss the nagging feeling that something is wrong. You may blame excessive earwax, or simply water stuck in your ears from your last shower. It may take you anywhere between 6 to 10 years before you finally seek treatment for hearing loss.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
September 17, 2018
hearing loss
Hearing loss is the third most prevalent health condition in the United States, affecting 20% of people in America. Loss of hearing may not be the first thing you think of when you think of work-related injuries, but research suggests that it is one of the most common types of injuries today.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
August 15, 2018
hearing aids, protection
We all look forward to the warm days of summer, with their promise of sunlit days and schedules packed with fun outdoor activities. Unfortunately, for those with hearing aids summer can be a challenging time since it increases the number of detrimental factors that can cause hearing aids to malfunction. This is why it is important to be aware and take necessary precautions to protect those handy hearing aids before going all out this summer.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
July 16, 2018
hearing loss
Hearing loss can often be a social deterrent since people with hearing damage often feel isolated and left out during conversations at parties and social gatherings. Noisy environments coupled with sounds of clinking cutlery and multiple conversations can often be a nightmare for those who are hard of hearing. If you have hearing loss, you no longer need to fret about staying away or wondering how you’ll fit in if you take these few simple steps.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
June 15, 2018
hearing aids
Your hearing examination results are back and it looks like you will be getting hearing aids to rectify your hearing loss. This can be an exciting time of your life but it can also make you nervous since it is a big change. First of all, congratulate yourself on taking proactive steps to rectify your hearing problem. Make sure you attend all your follow-up sessions with your audiologist and before you know it, you will be well on your way to getting back to the world of hearing once more.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
May 15, 2018
hearing loss
People are often unaware of the term comorbidity. All that this means is that there are more than one medical conditions present in a single patient. Hearing loss is often seen as a single medical problem, but it can actually be an indicator of other underlying health problems as well.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
April 16, 2018
hearing aids
We always think that we will never need hearing aids and that hearing loss is for anyone else but us. We all dread the feeling when we are unable to hear what people are saying all around us. Hearing loss can unfortunately occur at any point in life, and hearing aids can truly help you get back on track to hearing to the best of your ability.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
March 15, 2018
hearing loss
Hearing loss is no longer a problem of the elderly. We are constantly being bombarded by so many sounds in our daily environments that hearing loss is now a problem of young adults and even children.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
February 15, 2018
hearing loss
When people think about hearing loss, teenagers would be the last people to come to mind. However, recent research indicates that very soon, teenagers will outnumber elderly adults in terms of hearing loss.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
January 15, 2018
hearing loss
Sensorineural hearing loss is the most commonly diagnosed type of hearing damage. It accounts for at least 90% of all types of hearing damage. This particular type of hearing loss occurs when damage occurs to the inner ear, specifically to the cochlea or the neural pathways that transport sound impulses from the ear towards the brain.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
December 15, 2017
hearing loss
The loss of hearing at an early age can be a traumatic experience for any child. Hearing loss at any age can be difficult to accept, but for younger children the effects may be even severe since it interferes not only with their daily life but also hampers their ability to learn.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
November 15, 2017
Imagine having a constant, annoying ringing sensation in your ears that does not fade with time or place. People with this condition are known to suffer from Tinnitus. Some people with Tinnitus have a perceived hearing sensation of buzzing sounds; others hearing roaring or chirping noises with no external sound stimuli present.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
October 16, 2017
hearing loss
There are various types of hearing loss that affect millions of people today. Hearing loss that results from damage to the middle or outer ear is known as conductive hearing loss. This can involve injury to the ossicle bones within the middle section of the ear, the ear canal, and the observable part of the outer ear.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
September 15, 2017
hearing impairment
Hearing loss not only affects our hearing, it also affects our general lifestyle. Recent research suggests that those with hearing loss tend to be limited in their capacity to be independent and mobile enough to move around local areas.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
August 15, 2017
hearing loss
As we all know, home is where the heart is. It is the place where we find comfort and security, the place where we can unwind and truly be ourselves. We think of our home as the safest place in the world, yet there are considerable hearing health dangers lurking around some of the corners at home which we need to be aware of.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
July 14, 2017
hearing loss
People tend to become more withdrawn and less sociable as they age. Recent research reports that these changes often occur due to a decreased sense of hearing, which can result in a sense of social isolation resulting in withdrawal from social situations.
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Ears have a remarkable way of keeping themselves clean which is why they need very little external cleaning from your side. The most common practice of ear cleaning is probably the most harmful one: inserting cotton swabs into the ears.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
June 1, 2017
better hearing, father's day
You might wonder from time to time, “Can he hear me? Or does he pretend he can’t hear me?”
It might be time to give him the benefit of the doubt: According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, men between the ages of 20 and 69 are twice as likely to have a hearing loss as women are.
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People often take years before they realize that they have a hearing problem since hearing loss is a gradual process that develops over time. It is important to familiarize yourself with the early warning signs that can help identify hearing loss so that it can be treated in a timely manner.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
May 1, 2017
better hearing, mother's day
Moms are a busy bunch. Those duty-juggling, many-hats-wearing wonders cherish time for themselves. Whether on a walk, behind an easel with a paintbrush, or climbing a rock wall, those moments are even better when they can enjoy every sound. Is your mom — or a mom you know — not savoring the sounds of her life?
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D.
April 14, 2017
hearing loss, communication tips
It can be difficult to empathize with a loved one who has hearing loss, especially when your own hearing has no problems. This is why some audiologists can help you step into the shoes of the hearing impaired individual by playing a recording that imitates the hearing experience of the person with hearing loss. This can help you understand what your hearing impaired loved one is going through.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
March 15, 2017
hearing loss, noise
When we think of leading a healthy life we never quite think about taking care of our hearing. Our sense of hearing is one of the things we generally tend to take for granted, and many times we do not even realize we have a hearing problem until it is too late. We live in a noisy world these days and are constantly bombarded with loud sounds that can damage our hearing.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D.
February 15, 2017
hearing loss, cognitive decline
Hearing loss is a common problem that affects millions of people worldwide, yet most people tend to delay getting their hearing checked for approximately 7 years, even if they suspect that they might have hearing loss.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D., CCC-A
January 15, 2017
nutrition, better hearing
People usually never think of their hearing when they think about food. They may think about obesity, diabetes, or even cardiovascular disease but seldom to people stop to think that our food habits can impact our hearing health as well.
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By Erinn Altman, Au.D.
December 15, 2016
hearing aids, batteries
As a general rule, the batteries of hearing devices last somewhere between 2-14 days while the larger hearing aids that are non-wireless in nature can have longer lasting batteries. Digital hearing aids that can be connected to devices using the Bluetooth tend to have a much shorter battery life.
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