Hearing Protection is Important

Hearing loss is a common occurrence these days, with 36 million people in America being affected by it. This problem is especially common in the elderly population, with 50% of people aged 75 and above being affected by hearing loss. The strange thing about hearing loss is that it can actually be prevented in some cases.
We live in a noisy world; from the moment we open our eyes to the moment we are asleep, we encounter various degrees of noise. In fact, even when we are asleep, our ears are still working to filter out the sounds we continue to hear, such as the humming of a fan or the buzzing of an air conditioner. With so much noise all around us, it is no wonder that noise induced hearing loss is so common these days.
Think about your daily life and all your household and outdoor chores you do on a daily basis. Using the blender, styling your hair with a blow dryer, or even playing your favorite music at loud volumes. All of these are potential hazards to your hearing since they exceed the safe listening threshold of 85dB.
Now add to the mix the activities you like to engage in for recreation or even while at work. Those loud sporting events or rock concerts, the constant hammering and use of powertools in the construction, mining, and manufacturing industries, all of these noises can become potential causes for noise induced hearing loss.
It helps to know what your safety limit is, when encountering noises in your daily environment. This way you know when you cross that threshold and need to protect your hearing. Generally speaking, any sound that rises above the level of 85dB is considered unsafe for human hearing and can lead to hearing loss over time. Most of the sounds that hurt your ears, such as blaring music or the shrill sound of a saw or drill, all of these are unsafe for your hearing.
We cannot avoid noises on a daily basis since we are constantly surrounded by them. However, we CAN take steps to protect our hearing from any potential damage due to these noises. Simple practices of safe listening can go a long way in protecting your ears. Turn down the volume of your personal audio and video device to a moderate level not exceeding 60%. Always wear auditory protection such as earplugs or earmuffs before exposing yourself to dangerously loud noises, such as during music concerts, sporting events, or using power tools. Your hearing is precious, and once it is lost it can never regenerate. Take care of your delicate hearing while you still can.