Contributors to Sensorineural Loss of Hearing

Sensorineural hearing loss is the most commonly diagnosed type of hearing damage. It accounts for at least 90% of all types of hearing damage. This particular type of hearing loss occurs when damage occurs to the inner ear, specifically to the cochlea or the neural pathways that transport sound impulses from the ear towards the brain.
Various reasons are viewed as being the causes that lead to sensorineural hearing loss. The most frequent cause is aging. As with most organs, even your ears deteriorate over time as you age, which can result in sensorineural hearing loss. You can help protect your hearing from age-related damage to hearing by maintaining an active lifestyle and proper nutrition habits.
Certain illnesses and viruses can also result in sensorineural hearing loss. Excessively high fevers can also result in loss of hearing. Some types of hearing damage from viruses can be treated successfully with medication, but others might be permanent.
Prescription medications may also result in hearing loss. The medicines that lead to sensorineural hearing loss are referred to as ototoxic medication. Always explore the potential side effects of any medication with your doctor before you begin taking them. The effects of these types of medications may be stronger if you already have a genetic history of hearing damage within your family history.
The most notorious cause of sensorineural hearing loss is frequent and prolonged exposure to loud noises. Be it loud work environments or excessively loud music or sporting events, all of them can result in permanent hearing loss. Make sure you use hearing protection to protect yourself from any hearing damage before exposing yourself to long durations of loud noises.
Another contributor to sensorineural hearing loss is head trauma which can result in physical damage to your ears. Any injury to the brain can also disrupt your perception and ability to interpret sound. High-contact sports such as football or hockey can result in frequent head injuries that may lead to hearing loss.
Some people may have a genetic predisposition towards developing sensorineural hearing loss. If your family has a history of hearing loss, chances are that you may also develop it with age. Luckily, hearing loss does not need to bring your life to a standstill. You can continue leading an active social and vocational life with the use of hearing aids.